Hello, world!

So now, let's write our first "Hello, world!" program using Node.js

  • Create a new directory of your choice

    mkdir hello-world
  • Navigate to newly created directory

    cd hello-world
  • Open your preferred text editor. You can use editors like Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, or any other editor of your choice. I'll be using vim (opens in a new tab) / neovim (opens in a new tab) through out the workshop.

    If you are using Visual Studio Code you can run following command.

    code .
  • Create a new file in your text editor and save it with the name hello-world.js. And write the following code:

    console.log("Hello, world! 0/");
  • I'll create the file using the following bash command:

    echo "console.log('Hello, world! 0/');" > hello.js
  • Let's run the script

    Open your terminal or command prompt. This is where you'll run your Node.js script. Type the following command and press enter:

    node hello.js


    $ node hello.js
    Hello, world! 0/

Now that you've conquered the mighty 'Hello, World!' in Node.js, you're officially a JavaScript wizard!