How to install Node.js ?

Node.js can be installed in different ways.

NOTE: Recommended to use LTS version.

After Installation

Once installed, verify Node.js installation by running the following commands in your terminal:

node -v
npm -v

These commands should display the installed Node.js version and npm (Node Package Manager) version, confirming a successful installation.

$ node -v
$ npm -v

Node version managers

In real-world scenarios, developers often encounter the necessity to work on diverse projects, each requiring specific node versions.

To simplify the management of Node.js versions, various version managers have been developed, offering users a streamlined approach to handling different Node.js versions. Among the popular choices are tools that facilitate the seamless installation and switching between Node.js versions on a single machine.

Some node version managers are:

  • nvm
  • n
  • fnm

I personally use n, No specific reason.

npm install -g n

To install LTS version using n we can simply run following command in your terminal:

n lts

You might need sudo previliges in linux to use n.

$ sudo n lts
     copying : node/20.10.0
   installed : v20.10.0 (with npm 10.2.3)
$ node -v

For insights into popular Node.js version managers like n, nvm, or fnm, check their documentation on (opens in a new tab). These resources offer guidance on installation, commands, and features for efficient Node.js version control. We will talk about packages later.